Re: [Evolution-hackers] weather bounty

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 13:44 -0600, David Trowbridge wrote:
> The weather applet uses the METAR format, which provides current
> conditions reports for airports. The applet itself fetches data from a
> number of different sources depending on where you're located.
> The analog of this is the TAF format, which provides airport forecasts.
> Unfortunately, TAF doesn't contain temperature forecasts, since those
> are relatively unimportant in the context of aircraft.
> I'm not sure about other countries adopting CCF. It was mandated to the
> NWS stations that they provide it, but of course NOAA doesn't have
> control over most countries. Because of this, I was going to implement
> an abstract "source" class that gets passed a buffer from the web fetch
> and provides a list of weather report structures containing the actual
> data. Individual formats could then be accomodated with their own source
> class and URI scheme. Is this acceptable?
sounds ok to me, given the different sources of weather forecasts, so
yeah, having a generic class and custom classes inheriting from it for
each source seems the way to go.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo novell com>

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