[Evolution-hackers] plugin manager plugin, eplug files, and i18n.

As on the blog, there is now a plugin manager plugin, but the purpose of this email is to notify people of some changes and errors in the current plugin definitions so you can fix them up rather than me doing it for you.

1. The 'description' property is incorrect, in the manual it was always properly a separate element inside the <e-plugin> one, rather than a property on it, so you have to fix them up so it gets loaded properly.  I think JP or I made a mistake with plugin #0, and the mistake just got copied over and over.  Don't be shy, there's plenty of space to describe what they do.  Only use line-feeds to break paragraphs though, the display widget will wrap itself.
2. There is a new 'author' element for use inside the e-plugin tag, <author name="foo" email="bar baz"/>, it can occur multiple times, and either name or email can be omitted.

e.g. see the copy-tool plugin definition if you're unsure on what it these should look like.

These fields are actually used for something now so it makes sense to fix them up.  The 'name' of some of the plugins are probably a bit long too, it should be the name, not the purpose, that is what the description is for.

e.g. "Convert a mail message into a meeting" could be named "Mail to Meeting" or similar, as an example (since you're going to be fixing the plugins anyway, this might be a good time to look at this too).

I still need to write some tool to do the the i18n string extraction; so for now don't worry about that.  There are some other i18n issues which the current stuff wont address too (bindtextdomain for example).

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"I'm stuck in a reality I can't imagine could be real."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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