Re: [Evolution-hackers] source colors

On Pre , 2004-05-28 at 12:04 +0200, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 10:18 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Are the colors for sources intended to be used for foreground or 
> > background?  It seems that in evolution they are used for both.  The 
> > source list uses it as a foreground color and the actual events/tasks 
> > use it as a background color.
> > 
> where is the source list using the colors as foreground?

In the treeview the color is the foreground color of the text.

> > I think it is a bit problematic to use them for both.  For most people, 
> > light colors tend to work well for the background (when not using an 
> > inverse video theme) but not so well for the foreground.
> > 
> > I suppose much of this depends on what the theme foreground and 
> > background are already set to.  Should we do something like compute the 
> > average value of the theme [back/fore]ground and if it is less/darker 
> > than 50% gray then use the inverse of the source color for the 
> > [fore/back]ground?  For example, if the theme color and source color are 
> > both #000000 then use #ffffff for the source.
> > 
> > I'm trying to figure out what to use for the clock applet.
> > 
> the task list and event list use the colors for background, so using the
> same in the clock applet might be the best.

I don't think we should use them in the background for the tasks list
either. This especially becomes problematic when the due today/past due
colors come into play, and the background color gets changed to that.
While using the colors as the background does make sense in some aspects
of the Evo UI, it still causes problems. I think we should have a little
icon that gets composited with the color, that we can put next to the
source names in the source list treeview and option menus that show up
in the UI. The clock applet and mini tasks view in the calendar could
use this icon as well, and we can get rid of the use of background
colors there, or at least, rid of the conflicting usage of background
colors. Or, we could perhaps continue using the background colors to
distinguish sources, in the list of tasks, and create icons to show that
the tasks are due today or past due, instead of using colors. Either
way, we should definately do the composited icon for use in the treeview
of the calendar and tasks components, as well as for the option menus
that show up elsewhere.

-- dobey

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