Re: [Evolution-hackers] Handle Spanish names and surnames properly

On Enj , 2004-05-13 at 00:02 +0200, David Marín Carreño wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 18:05 -0400, Aaron Weber wrote:
> > David: 
> > 
> > To handle multi-word last names, enter "Marin Carreño, David" in the
> > "File Under" text box.
> > 
> Do you mean "File as" text box?
> In that case, I must enter all Spanish names twice (first in "Full name"
> text box, and then in "File as" textbox) while entering new contacts.
> That is the workaround I have been using for two years, but... that
> doesn't solve the problem: I need a truly i18n'ed addressbook! ;-)
> The only thing I must say is that Outlook, in Spanish, splits well our
> names, or, at least, let us to select the correct division among some
> possible usual divisions.
> I'd like an similar behaviour in Evolution in Spanish. :-)

You can type "Last Name, First Name" in the "name" field, and it will
file it properly in the "File under:" field as well. Not that this is
the best solution, but it's a better workaround than typing all of the
names twice. :)

-- dobey

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