[Evolution-hackers] please help me to have a look at this.

I have seen your comment in bugzilla about the bug of 'The Insert Link
function doesn't work',Maybe you are right :

This bug bothered me. please help me to have a look at this.

1. What is the performance of bug?
	* when you add a link with protocol like "http://www.google.com"; 	 
every thing works ok
	* if you add a link without protocol just like "www.google.com"
	  the link wonn't work. And, when you right click the link and 
	  select "copy location", you will see that what you copied is 

2. Where dose this "cid:/" come from?
	* in mail-format.c:get_cid()
	* in this function, another function  
	  "camel_mime_part_get_content_id" is called to get thecontent   	  id
of the mime part which is being handled. but almose every
	  time, the content id is NULL. so the function generate a
	  string like "cid:@@@%d" and insert it into a hash table.
	* the string "cid:@@@%d" is handled in another function
	  gtkml.c:expand_relative(). in this function, "cid:@@@%d" is
	  passed in as base. the final location of this link if formed
	  by 3 parts. the first part is "cid:", this is from the base.
	  the second part is "/", this is added manually. the third part
	  is the orginal url,like "www.google.com".

3. My questions
	* what is the content id? 
	* what is the base?
	* why the "cid:@@@%d" is treated as base? what is there
	* what dose your word "mailer problem with base tag
	  and relative links in the message, reassigning" mean?


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