Re: [Evolution-hackers] Suggestions

this is the developer list, not the user list. ie, only post to this
list if you have questions about hacking on evolution.

you want evolution ximian com


On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 18:08, Leonardo H. Machado wrote:
> 	Please Sirs,
> 	I have to suggestions that would make my life quite easier with
> evolution.
> 1) Why doesn't it allow fasst command lines? For example:
> 	evolution --list today
> 	The above comand would list the activities of the current day.
> 	evolution --list todo
> 	And soh on...
> 2) How can I do a break line while editing a task on my calendar? ENTER
> would confirm what I am typing. Is there a special key to make a break
> line inside a box of activity??? If there is a way, could it be more
> intuitive for us?
> Thanks for the great software!
> //leoh
> main(){int j=1234;char t[]=":@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.\n"
> ,*i = "iqgbgxmlvivuc\n:wwnfwsdoi"; char *strchr(char *,int);
> while(*i){j+=strchr(t,*i++)-t;j%=sizeof t-1;putchar(t[j]);}}
> _______________________________________________
> evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers lists ximian com

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