Re: [Evolution-hackers] Re: [linux-cifs-client] cifs mounted home directory problems

On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 22:31 +0000, Kenneth MacDonald wrote:
I'm Cc'ing this to the evolution-hackers list in case anyone thinks this
is important enough from the application side.
Well my initial reaction is "not really".  An application using a filesystem has to rely on a certain set of semantics, and i believe we're just relying on what a posixish filesystem should provide.    Otherwise we're going to have to use lowest common demoninator - e.g. 8.3 dos filenames with no permissions.  That sounds practical to me!

It isn't something that can very usefully be made a configure switch since it is part of the run-time environment.  If you just want to patch it yourself you can safely make e_filename_make_safe substitute any other characters you want.  Changing it in the main codebase is trickier since it affects finding existing state files in users installed environments, and i don't really want to have to add all this ugly workaround/fallback code for this.

Are colons the only character winblows uses itself?  What about multiple full stops? etc.

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve French <smfrench austin rr com> writes:

    >> The actual path is this: \.camel_certs\ba:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa etc.

    Steve> Arrgggghhh.  ':' is an invalid character in a cifs
    Steve> filename.  With one excpetion - presumably it could
    Steve> indicate a data stream (which Samba 3 would not support in
    Steve> any case) - in which case file file /.camel/ba would need
    Steve> to exist for the stream name after the : to make sense :)

    Steve> Presumably this is not some cross platform app that has
    Steve> some friendly configure option to work around illegal
    Steve> characters in file names right ...

It's Novell's Evolution email (groupware) client.  It creates lots of
files with : in the name.  It seems it turns /'s into _'s as I have
lots of
~/evolution/config/et-expanded-imap:__username hostname_mailbox_folder
type filenames.

I found bug closed a
couple of years ago with a "it's a filesystem problem".

It seems the filename is sanitised by
gal/util/e-util.c:e_filename_make_safe(), which leaves colons in.  I
haven't dug deep enough to know whether it would be easy or hard to
migrate to filenames without colons.

The majority of our users home directories are on Windows servers so
"fixing" samba isn't sufficient for us unfortunately.



Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Ride, Work, Sleep. Beer."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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