[Evolution-hackers] language identification and translation plugin

Hi all,

I'm interested in writing a plugin that automatically identifies the
language of incoming emails and allows people to translate them using a
range of online translation mechanisms.

I was asking on #evolution about eplugin and what the best way would be
to integrate it into the evolution mail interface. I was advised to
refer my question to this list...

I had an idea of adding a header to the email when it comes in (i.e.
X-Language-Identified or similar) and then having a button in the top
right hand corner of the header display (not sure what this is called in
evolution lingo ;) to open up the available translation options dialog.

Does this sound feasible? Or would a different method be more

Any input would be gratefully received,

Francis Tyers

PS. I hang out on #evolution as "spectre"

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