Re: [Evolution-hackers] on witches and wizards

On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 10:10 -0400, Rodney Dawes wrote:
So would code to handle dialog buttons properly and switch between the
hidden hotebook tabs.
Yeah - it isn't much code.
Though. We might want to just wait to change this, for the new
GtkAssistant stuff that is supposedly going into GTK+ 2.6. And
Evolution/Gnome are already in UI freeze, so the likelihood of
such a change going into 2.0 is pretty slim already.
This is definitely 2.2 only.

The GtkAssistant thing (the whole 2 pages i can find on google about it) doesn't look much of an improvement to be honest.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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