Re: [Evolution-hackers] Status of mail-refactor-2 branch todo

> Although i've been updating the web log with 'points of interest',
> here's a more thorough update on the state of the branch, a followup to
> my earlier mail about it.  Excellent progress has been made, and the
> code is nearing merge readiness.

This looks awesome!  Thanks for the detailed update.

> EMFolderView
> 	Needs to setup galview menu's, etc.  c&p from FolderBrowser.
>  - done
> 	Status line not implemented.  Depends on new shell design.

Actually I am not sure how to do this right now, all the status bar
stuff is disabled on the new-ui-branch.

We could do one of these things:

      * Keep the same interface as before on the control frame.  It does
        have a few problems (which you outlined earlier), but at least
        it would require almost no work to get it working again.

      * Just let each component handle the status bar on its own, and
        export it as a control.  This should make the implementation
        trivial, however it won't let you see what e.g. the mailer is
        doing when you have the calendar selected.

      * Come up with a different interface, and possibly a different UI
        way of doing it.

What are your thoughts?

>  - waiting on shell
> 	Context menu ...

In the new UI, the shell will not handle the folder context menus
anymore, so you'll just have to hook the menus to the EStorageSetView
widget within the mailer.

(Or do you mean the message context menus as well?)

>  - done
> 	Key binding stuff.  Some should go to messagelist.
>  - done afaik, most couldn't go to messagelist
> 	Double-click should open message
>  - done
> 	Customising menu's/activation based on current selection/message
>  - done
> 	Empty trash not implemented.
>  - done
> 	Expunge implemented but may need tweaking.
>  - wait and see how it works now

BTW while you are massaging this code, can we make it so it jumps to the
first unread message when you first click on the folder?

(Actually I am not sure if it should do it after the first time as
well...  What do other clients do?)

>   emfv_message_copy
>   emfv_message_move
> 	Requires differnet code for new shell, a folder selector widget.
>  - waiting on shell stuff

Nod...  For this we should just be able to stick the
e-shell-folder-selection-dialog/e-shell-folder-creation-dialog code in
libeshell and use that, probably with some minor massaging.

You just need to provide an EStorageSet for these to work, and I already
have the mailer handling that on the branch.

BTW with the new UI we also need the "Go to folder..." dialog to be
implemented in the mail component, instead of the shell.

>   emfv_message_reply
> 	Would be nice to get the reply-to-selected-text working, it's
> 	mostly there.


> S/MIME - need to at least investigate the featureset required.

Yeah, we are still far from this...  Hopefully I'll be able to get a
better grasp of this in the next couple weeks.

-- Ettore

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