[Evolution-hackers] New UI stuff..


I was looking at Anna's mockups with great interest, they look very nice
and slick.

I liked the "mailer" style addressbook and tasks "preview pane" for the
item that you have selected in the list.

Now, how hard would it be to have in-place editing for those? That would
eliminate the need of a clunky popup dialog for those.

In other words, on the bottom part where you have something like this:

Due Date     ASAP
Start Date   Today
Status       Not started yet
Priority     Normal

Description  Prepare birthday party for Joe, some food + coffee & stuff 
             to go with it. Also discuss the present with everyone and
             collect money. 
URL          http://tigert.gimp.org/party/

Suppose I want to edit the Description, I would just click the text
chapter and it would change to a editable text field. Is this hard to
implement? It could of course show those as a form in the first place,
but having it look like a non-form gives a nicer looking overview of the
task. So just clicking one field would make that one into an editable
widget. This would also work for new items, those could then display a
form that contains editables for each item. And if the "click to edit"
looks like a too hidden feature, we could also have a [Edit this item]
button that does the "make everything into a form" thing at once.



Tuomas Kuosmanen <tigert ximian com>

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