[Evolution-hackers] newbie question - structure of Evolution

Hi all,

I am trying to get to understand the basic structure of how evolution
hangs together.

I so far can see that you start with the Shell that links in several
CORBA objects as well as a number of Camel providers.

I cant seem to find how they cross link though.

eg.  Does the shell drive the use of both CORBA and Camel objects?

If I added extra functionality to a provider would it ever get used?

Is there any documentation anywhere that shows the total structure and
flow of data?  How do we get from the Shell to my-evolution to lets say
the Calendar?

Why cant I add a calendar folder to my new email folder set (there is
one in local).  It says the store doesnt support it.  How do I get it to
support it.  Is it a limit on the imap side?  Can it be added to the
imap camel provider?

I know these may all seem stupid but I really am a newbie.

Regards and thanks in advance.

Andre' Burke

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