[Evolution-hackers] known bugs in gpg support?

[cc:s please, I'm not on the list anymore]


Does evo 1.2.2 (Debian pkg) contain any known interworking issues with
mutt 1.5.3 and gpg signatures? I thought the issues had all been fixed
with 1.2.1 --> 1.2.2 upgrade.

(sorry for the attachment, but I thought it's only 1.5k so it won't

-- vbi

In seiner mit Hochspannung erwarteten Rede zur Lage der Nation hat
US-Präsident George W. Bush heute früh angekündigt, Außenminister Colin
Powell nächste Woche klare Beweise dafür ankündigen zu lassen, daß Beweise
für unwiderlegbare Beweise vorlägen.

Attachment: offending-message.mail.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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