[Evolution-hackers] recurrences


For Evo 2.0, we need a better recurrence support. Right now (evo 1.4)
recurrences are expanded on the UI, which makes this needed to be
implemented by each wombat client.

So, the plan is to have backends expand recurrences, and thus liberate
clients from that work. The idea is to have all the interfaces between
clients and backends use the UID/RecurrenceID pair to identify objects,
instead of just using the UID. Thus, to get an object:

	getObject (in string uid, in string rid);

an empty rid meaning the full object.

Similarly, query objects would get a uid/rid to identify the object
being removed/updated (for update, we would be sending the whole ical
object), and so on, for every method in the IDL interfaces.

If nobody says nothing against this plan, I'll start implementing it.


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