Re: [Fwd: RE: [Evolution-hackers] making contacs more useful]

Il mer, 2003-08-06 alle 17:44, Marius Andreiana ha scritto:
> Edgardo replied only to me, forwarding.
> Yes, LDAP would do the job with all the extra fields needed.
> Problem: evolution can only view LDAP contacts, no adding/editing. And
> who provides the UI for editing the extra fields I listed as examples? 
> How about using those extra fields ( contacting people right from
> evolution contact lists ) ?

Actually, given the proper permissions, you can edit contacts on an LDAP
server. There are already too many fields in the Evolution addressbook,
I think anyway. The IM client or whatever, should be the one editing the
IM or other random fields in the vcards.

> If a LDAP server is the best choice, how will single users benefit these
> contacting options? As a desktop user, I wouldn't like to configure a
> LDAP server.
> Would the solution be LDAP support for the rest of applications? (
> gnomemeeting, instant messaging... )

An LDAP server isn't the best choice. What if you store your contacts
on Yahoo!, or in Exchange? GroupWise? Technically you should be able
to gain access to these by using the interfaces provided by evolution
in the wombat and addressbook APIs.

-- dobey

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