Re: [evince] better support for logical page-numbers and document outline

Please file a bug in and explain cleqrly what evince shiws and what dohou expect evince would show.


On Saturday, July 23, 2016, Benjamin Ott <keinspamhier gmail com> wrote:
Hello peeps,

I've created some sample .pdf-files and converted these to .djvu files (attached). I've also attached the corresponding pdf-files to show the difference in the appearance.

Some page numbers in .djvu-filesĀ  are not being displayed correctly.

test.djvu has no such page numbers
test2.djvu has arabic numbers (I - IV)
test3.djvu has "A" and "B" for the pages 1-2 and I-II" for the pages 3 and 4

test3.djvu misses the A and B and shows "1" and "2" instead

This has been tested with evince 3.18.2

a fix would be much appreciated


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