Re: [evince] evince has wide black border

On Tue, 2015-09-29 at 13:48 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
I've been trying to switch from acroread to evince for some time, and
it continues to be a stuggle.  [The broken gtk-3 selection handling on
multi-screen systems is a big PITA.]

A couple of weeks ago, evince started displaying with a wide black
border instead of the usual window borders and title bar that all
other applications have.

Is there any way to get the old, normal X11 behavior back?

I'm unaware of any configuration change that I've made, but both 3.14
and 3.16 now show the black border instead of normal window
decorations.  I'm guessing something in gtk-3 got broken?

I remember an issue like that in the intel's driver to draw shadows.

try with:
$ export GDK_RENDERING=image

And then, put it in some of your init scripts (say .bashrc)

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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