Hello Evince In Ubuntu 12.04. it was possible to print more copies out the print preview. Since the new Ubuntu 14.04. Borderless printing out of the printpreview only one copy is possible - without preview it is not. can it be changed? system: Ub 14.04. printer HP officejet pro 8600 plus - HPlip 3.14.3. Ub12.04. - HPlip 3.13.5 Greatings Judah -- Judah Pieter Boes inhaber von: SteinReich im Atrium Vor dem Steintor 34 28203 Bremen Geƶffnet: Dienstag - Freitag 11:00 - 20:00 Uhr Samstag 11:00 - 17:00 Uhr Tel: 0421 - 49 87 303 E-M: steinreichbremen googlemail com www.SteinReich-Bremen.de www.staedtereisen-spirituell.jimdo.com
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature