"jose aliste gmail com" <jose aliste gmail com> writes: > Of course you are right, but we are talking about different parts of > the PDF file. > I think that you are not correct about what is happening here. We > interpret these using poppler, so we get the same result as in pdfinfo > :) (You can see properties of the file in evince and you will see > them) I am appending the umlaut.pdf file we get at the end, as well as the PostScript file that LilyPond generates as its intermediate output. I get pdftk output xxx.pdf uncompress umlaut.pdf Error: Unexpected data in output section: umlaut.pdf Exiting. Errors encountered. No output created. Done. Input errors, so no output created. which is indeed suspicious. However, it does not appear like the PostScript file contains any XML. So take a look at the handcrafted file sss.ps. It is rather essential. Run ps2pdf on it. Start Evince on the resulting pdf file. You'll get Entity: line 10: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xA1 0x20 0xA2 0x3C fault'>Document title</rdf:li></rdf:Alt></dc:title><dc:creator><rdf:Seq><rdf:li> ^ And indeed, the PDF (which is readable) contains a metadata block in Latin-1 encoding. So it would appear like ps2pdf (which LilyPond also uses) is actually at fault here, putting the blame at the feet of the Ghostscript developers. -- David Kastrup
Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: PostScript document
Description: PostScript document
Description: Adobe PDF document