[evince] Annotations

Dear Evincers,

I am curious about the development status of Evince. As a student / researcher, I am reading many articles and ebooks in PDF formats. I am unfortunately not able to do much more than reading my PDFs. Ideally, I would like to be able to highlight and annotate my documents. Annotations would be best organised, in my opinion, as notes on the side of the document, with arrows pointing at the section of the document that is being commented (very much like the annotation system on Libre Office).

There are programs like Mendeley which offer these highlight and annotation features, but Mendeley is pushes all document on a cloud (which is soon overloaded and makes Mendeley unusable until you give money).

The features of highlight would be a great feature improving my work flow and most probably that of many more students.

Would you please consider this feature request?

Kind regards,

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