[evince] some b/w images are inverted when printing


I have an issue with printing pdf documents. From time to time I
encounter a black/white image that is printed inverted. adobe reader
prints the images correct (but well, there are other issues with adobe
reader on linux...)

I thought it was a bug in poppler, easy to reproduce with the pdfimages
tool, but apparently it's not:

> There's nothing wrong in that behaviour the -j gives you the raw jpeg stream
> and the rag jpeg stream in that file is a black image, then the pdf has some
> commands to invert the color, ending up that if you "render" the image, you get
> it white blackground, but if you get the raw jpeg stream, the background there
> is black.

You can find the test case pdf attached to the bug mentioned above.

Which printer I use doesn't matter, the issue is reproducible with
cups-pdf, the hp printing drivers and the xerox printing drivers.

My system:
Portage 2.2.0_alpha84 (default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/gnome,
gcc-4.6.2, glibc-2.13-r4, 3.2.1-gentoo-r2 x86_64)

app-text/evince-3.2.1-r1 was built with the following:
USE="dbus djvu gnome-keyring introspection (multilib) nautilus t1lib
tiff -debug -doc -dvi -xps"

app-text/poppler-0.18.2 was built with the following:
USE="cairo cxx introspection jpeg lcms (multilib) png tiff utils
xpdf-headers -cjk -curl -debug -doc -jpeg2k -qt4"

app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.04-r4 was built with the following:
USE="X cups dbus gtk (multilib) -bindist -djvu -idn -jpeg2k
-static-libs" LINGUAS="-ja -ko -zh_CN -zh_TW"

Is this a bug in cups, ghostscript, poppler or evince?
I would appreciate some help.


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