[evince] LaTeX/evince: Forward and backward search with TeXlipse and $EDITOR

Hello all,

after searching for quite a while for an out-of-the-box solution for using evince as PDF previewer with eclipse/TeXlipse, I have added the functionality required by TeXlipse to [1]. It is now one file only, called via

evince_latex %file %line %texfile ["editor_cmd %f %l"]

. On Ctrl+click in evince, the script either writes file:line to stdout (as expected by TeXlipse) or executes an arbitrary command (as required by other editors). It terminates when the document is closed in evince. Detection of multiple instances is not yet implemented but should be straightforward to add. (Eclipse plays well with multiple concurrent instances of the script.)

I would like to add this script to the evince code base to gain the following benefits:

- Installed together with evince, LaTeX users can use it right away

- Documentation can be added to [2]

- Use existing infrastructure instead of maintaining a dedicated repository for one single file.

I have a detailed changelog from [1] to the current state in a private Git repository. I can submit the changes via

git log -p -M

, or integrate them into a clone of the evince Git repo. What do you prefer?

Any thoughts?

Best regards


[1] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1716268

[2] http://library.gnome.org/users/evince/stable/synctex-search.html.en

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