Re: [evince] New behaviour of "open a copy"

Excerpts from Rob Sargent's message of mié ago 10 20:17:21 +0200 2011:
> I'm using GNOME Document Viewer 2.32.0.  Prior to updating to this rev
> (from which rev I'm not sure, sorry) I could use File:Open-a-Copy to get
> a new window with somefile-0.pdf in the window banner.  When I loaded a
> new version of somefile.pdf, the somefile-0.pdf would retain the
> original version.  Now Open-a-copy makes a new window with same banner
> (somefile.pdf, no "-0") and is also updated when I make a new version of
> the pdf.  I used the old feature extensively for comparison purposes. 
> (I would overlay the two versions to detect minor layout differences,
> relying on opacity to see both directly over top of each other).

In previous versions we used a symlink, that's why we needed a
different filename, so that a new document object was created for the
new file (the symlink) that was never notified about modifications
(because the symlink itself never changed). Now we simply create a new
window with the same document object, since the document is shared,
both windows are notified when the document changes. Maybe the name
'open a copy' is confusing now, since it's not a copy at all, is just
another view for the same document. 

> Is there any work-around to get the old behaviour back?  Any clue as to
> which (latest) old version I could re-install?

The only I think I can think of is that you create the symlink
yourself and open another evince instance for the it.

Carlos Garcia Campos
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