Excerpts from Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini's message of dom jul 31 00:48:50 +0200 2011: > I made some bookmarks on Evince (3.0.1) for a pdf and I'd like to "backup" > them... I've been reading and searching but I can't find how/where are these > things saved. They are saved using GIO metadata, see: http://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2009/06/24/data-about-data/ You can get the bookmarks from a file with the following command: $ gvfs-info -a "metadata::evince::bookmarks" <document-uri> for example: $ gvfs-info -a "metadata::evince::bookmarks" hig-2.0.pdf attributes: metadata::evince::bookmarks: [(12, 'Page: 12'), (13, 'pagina 12 + 1'), (153, 'Página 154 — 2.3. Choosing Shortcut Keys'), (15, 'Página 16 — 4. Make Your Application Consistent'), (107, '15.1. Sortable Trees'), (0, 'Página 1')] I'm not sure, but I think metadata info is stored by gvfs in ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata so you could just backup that folder. > Regards, Regards, -- Carlos Garcia Campos PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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