connect to password server to decrypt .pdf files

I have been discussing a decryption problem with a few folks lately.
All Linux pdf viewers that I have used, Evince included, have been
unable to decrypt my attached pdf file.  It requires a user name and
password.  It requires a connection to a server, something like, and then I can read it for a while.  As of
now only Windows + Adobe Reader can do this task, that I know of.  AR
8.x seems to work with Windows.

I e-mailed the Glyph and Cog team that owns xpdf, about xpdf not being
able to do this.  Here is our correspondence:

I may have discovered a bug, that your team would like to be aware of.
 I have attached a sample file that I have been unable to decrypt
using xpdf on Linux.  I can decrypt this using my user name and
password on a windows computer using Acrobat Reader and only under
that combination.  The functionality I have been unable to realise is
to connect with, or something like that, and
then decrypt like AR does on windows.  A similar bug has been found
recently with the windows version of AR while running on winehq.

Thank you for your wonderful product,
Justin Hale

justin methuselah:~$ uname -a
Linux methuselah 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008
i686 GNU/Linux

justin methuselah:~$ xpdf
Error: Couldn't find the 'Adobe.APS' security handler
Warning: Attempt to remove nonexistent passive grab

And the response:

Adobe.APS is a custom security handler (i.e., decryption plugin for
Adobe Reader).  It's not openly documented, so there's no way for Xpdf
to implement it.

- Darek

Now my question is if there really is some way around this problem or
is the problem just to big to fix at the moment?  I have also made a
couple of postings to Adobe's website.  I'm awaiting their response on
the matter.  A bug report has been filed for Acrobat Reader 8.x for
Window using WINE.  ~~ Justin Hale

Attachment: chapter-1-why-study-information-security.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

SOAP 1.1 fault: "":Client [no subcode]
"No such operation 'invoke'"
Detail: <ns2:hostname xmlns:ns2="";>EDC-AdobePS01</ns2:hostname>

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