Excerpts from Bjoern Biesenbach's message of jue dic 03 08:35:43 +0100 2009: > Hi, Hi, sorry for the late reply. > i wrote a little patch that lets you open an encrypted file if another > file with the same password was opened (and the key saved in keyring) > before. > This works by iterating through all "Document File" entries in the > keyring. If the right password was found, it gets saved together with the > file uri the fasten up the next try to open that file. hmm, I'm not sure looking at passwords of *other* documents is a good idea. > > > Bjoern Biesenbach bjoern bjoern-b de > Werner Hellweg 246 www.bjoern-b.de > D-44789 Bochum +49-234-6060267 > vy73 de DF1BB gpg:CF4D555E +49-162-6824519 -- Carlos Garcia Campos PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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