Minimal ev-view and ev-document app in C

Hi List,

I am trying to do a toy app in C that embeds the EvView widget in it
with no luck. Can someone point me to a good minimal sample of how the
code looks? ( I tried to find doc in the net but it seems there isnt

BTW, Here is what I'am trying to do. I am new to gtk in C, usually
code my small gtk apps  in python... So any pointers would be great!!

int main( int   argc, char *argv[] )
        GtkWidget *window;
        GtkWidget *evview;
        EvDocument *document;
        gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

        window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

        evview = ev_view_new();
        document =
ev_document_factory_get_document("file:////prueba.pdf",NULL);  // This
file does exists in my system.
        ev_view_set_document((EvView *) evview, document);

        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), evview);

        gtk_widget_show (evview);
        gtk_widget_show (window);

        gtk_main ();

        return 0;

Greetings, thanks in advance

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