No PDF backend

I have been having problems configuring evince 2.19.92 with PDF backend.
I get the following error:

configure: WARNING: "PDF support is disabled since poppler-glib
library version 0.6 or newer not found"

I installed poppler 0.6 (twice..) with poppler-glib support
(./configure --enable-poppler-glib).
I exported with:
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

and checked the poppler version with:
$pkg-config --modversion --cflags --libs poppler

to find the following:
$ pkg-config --modversion --cflags --libs poppler
-I/usr/local/include/poppler  -L/usr/local/lib -lpoppler

I can't understand why I get the PDF error. Should I point to the new
poppler installation in some special way that I am not aware of?

Thanks much,

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