Re: PDFs to images

>From: Daniel Kasak <dkasak nusconsulting com au>
>Use the 'convert' program, from imagemagick eg:

Thank you for the tip.

>> Many times I find the pdf viewer too slow. E.g., the file
>> has drawings or images which draws or uncompress slowly.

Continuing myself: it would be perfectly ok if a PDF viewer
caches the documents as imagefiles. Once viewed slowly
but then return to the document would be fast. Cache would
save the trouble of converting documents explicitly.

>Sure. Evince is a PDF viewer. To be fair, you can only compare it to
>other PDF viewers.

PDF viewer with fast image cache would compare good enough.

But some PDF pages render very fast, the viewer should cache
only if the rendering is slower than viewing the image.
Or some space/speed tradeoff could be used as "too slow to
render" is an opinion issue.

Also, not the whole page need to be cached. Perhaps only the
slowly drawing figures. The PDF viewer could measure the drawing
speeds, get bounding boxes of different renderings, and
cache what was rendered too slow. But the whole-page caching
would be simpler.


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