feature-request "large margin"

Dear Evince-team!

I have a usability problem which can be solved by implementing any of
the following new features (I presently use 0.7.2).

the problem:
I often get documents with large margins and I only want to see the
content since my screen is small.

solution #1:
A modifier to the PgUp PgDown keys which would work keeping position
inside the page.  Also a "center page" key.  In this way choosing the
appropriate zoom and pressing "center" once I can use <mod>+PgUp or
<mod>+PgDown to avoid margins.

solution #2:
A "special zoom" which fits the content of the page (bounding box of the
content) rather then the page itself.  In this zoom mode the user
automatically avoids margins even if it varies from page to page.

additional request:
In dual view one could choose whether to use "odd on the left even on
the right" or reverse "even on the left, odd on the right" mode.

Thank you for reading

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