Display image processing

Hello. How Evince displays the following paper?

It looks terrible in acroread and in xpdf because the paper is
scanned in some sense badly. If not already in Evince, please
add a post processing operation to the displayed final image.
The operation should change the light gray of the text to dark

I have experimented earlier with a similar textual images,
and a curve tool (in GIMP) helps. I also have tried with
morphological expansions etc but nothing fancy is not needed.

One could also try to generate the outline of the fonts.
I have seen this done with a textual image zoom operation,
but the operation may not actually require the generation
of the outline curves. The method generated a higher resolution
image. The source code is free if I remember correctly.
If interested, I will search for it. It already could be in GIMP.

The outline system would help specially in printing. The print
I have now is unreadable.

  for developers of open source graphics software

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