request for feature: sliding window multi-page mode


evince looks very promising. There's one feature that would, in my
opinion, put it head and shoulders above other readers, which is to have
a multi-page mode which doesn't "flip" the pages.

For want of a better explanation, here are some crude illustrations.

Here's the current dual page mode, which acts like you're flipping
pages in a book:

	1 2
	3 4
	5 6

The problem with this, is that if something on page 4 references page 5,
I have to flip to the [5 6] view, and lose my spot on page 4.  I
typically read technical papers which refer to figures and tables on
neighboring pages, and this gets very annoying.

An alternative way of displaying dual (or more) pages is to implement a
horizontal window of a given number of pages, and scroll the pages
through that window.

	[1 2] 3 4 5
	1 [2 3] 4 5
	1 2 [3 4] 5

This allows one to move forwards or backwards without losing context.

Being able to specify the number of pages in the window would be useful
as well, for those of us with the deep pockets who have very wide


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