Re: Initial comments

Hi Federico ~

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 20:11 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> - Initial focus is wrong -> hitting PgDn as soon as the program starts
> doesn't take you to the next page.  You have to focus the document view
> and then you can PgDn.

Should file a bug.

> - PgUp on the first page sets a watch cursor, but nothing seems to
> happen.

This also seems to happen when you page down on the last page of a

> - Space doesn't work.  Or how do I read continuously?  Hitting PgDown
> when you are at the bottom of a page takes you to the bottom of the next
> page.

> - The selection rectangle is slow.

Should file a bug.

> - If you PgDn past the last page that fits in the thumbnails view, then
> the thumbnails don't scroll to make the newly selected page visible.

Martin just got that one:

> - The document area should have a GTK_SHADOW_IN frame.

Should file a bug.

> - Up icon with "Down" text, and viceversa :)

Heh.  That's definitely a bug :)

I was interested in removing the Back/Forward buttons as well and just
going with the Up/Down buttons on the left hand side.  The back/forward
seems to be a less than useful feature and takes up quite a bit of
space.  Really we want searching to be really good and then people can
use that to navigate quickly.

> - I like the thing EOG does when it is zoomed-to-fit.  If you resize the
> window, it will rescale the image to fit.

Good point.  Should file a bug.

> - Can't seem to scroll horizontally with the scroll wheel.

Should file a bug.

Thanks for the comments.  Please file those bugs in bugzilla and feel
free to send patches of course. :-)

~ Bryan

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