Feature proposal: highlighting


There's a feature that I don't see in the roadmap, but I believe would
be very useful for saving trees: I'd really like to be able to highlight
part of the documents without having to print them and use a
highlighter. As far as I know, no open source pdf reader has this

Since the search feature of evince kind of highlights the results, it
shouldn't be very hard to implement, but maybe it would be better to
wait for 'real' text selection. How to save this would be a problem,
too. I don't know if PDF metadata allow this kind of things (maybe in
comments ?) but I'm not sure that saving highlights directly in the
document is a good idea. Saving those metadata separately (like image
browsers save thumbnails) would allow different highlights for the same
file, and a "save with highlights" option would allow to send an
highlighted file to someone else.

Anyway, would someone else be interested in this ?


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