Does Epiphany use sys/socket.h

Hello everyone,

My name is Michele and I’m a student at TU Berlin in Germany and I’m in dire need of help. For my master thesis project I need to test some functionalities of an API prototype that replaces the BSD socket API in a browser. I choose Epiphany for its open sourceness and its active development. The problem is that after I downloaded the code and checked everywhere I can’t seem to find where Epiphany implements its network functionalities (e.g. socket(), bind(), connect() etc.). Since the API I will work with has functions that are a direct replacement of the one included in the socket API I can’t do much if I don’t find where those functions are called. Can you point me in the right direction, or better telling me if indeed Epiphany has that kind of function calls and where they are or if they are hidden under hundreds of layers of abstraction and wrappers. 
I would really appreciate any kind of help.

Yours sincerely,
Michele Maffei

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