Re: Hardware acceleration with gstreamer1-vaapi and html5 video


On 12/13/16 at 12:32pm, Gianvito Cavasoli wrote:
I'm using Epiphany with gstreamer1-vaapi and radeon driver (r600).

Which version of gstreamer-vaapi?

We have changed a lot gstreamer-vaapi recently in particular when downloading
the images from GPU to CPU. I recommend you to use the release 1.10.2. But
still there are rough edges.

If I set the environment variable "export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=radeonsi"
Epiphany don't play the html5 video (youtube, etc.),

The first question would be why do you have to export this variable? libva
should be able to detect the first available driver.

The second question is what do you mean with "don't play"? nothing is shown?
is shown badly?

but if I use "export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=vdpau" the video are played normally
but use a lot of CPU camparison to "radeonsi" variable

In the release 1.10 we added a whitelist to block, precisely, the vdpau-va
bridge backend which is undermaintained, and buggy. So, if you are using this
release, the vdpau driver is bailed out and the software decoders are used as

(I've tested this
with Totem and a movie in full HD). It's a problem of Epiphany, WebkitGTK or
gstreamer1-vaapi?  Thanks

Most probably, gstreamer-vaapi in this case.


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