Re: Security bounties on Web bugs

Hi Kat, Spider, et. al.,

I found Spider on IRC today by coincidence, and we started chatting
about this. I think we're mostly on the same page, which is good. I've
collected my thoughts on this wiki page:

Needless to say, there are more project ideas than we have funds
available for, you'll have to pick a couple. I've ordered the list based
on what my priorities are, but not based on ease of implementation, and
you might disagree with my priorities anyway, so it would be reasonable
to pick a task lower in the list for a bounty (e.g. "less annoying
unacceptable certificate interstitial") as well.

I think the list covers everything that's been proposed here thus far.
Let me know if I missed anything. Note that there are a couple ideas on
the list that are mostly implemented, since I intended the page to be a
roadmap as well as a source for bounty ideas. Obviously we shouldn't
post a bounty on something that's already being worked on.

Note: I've changed Spider's email on the CC to one that hopefully won't
bounce :)


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