Touch Screen Kiosk Browser

Epiphany developers,


I considered using FireFox but it appears very difficult to get help from the developers there or a add-on developer wanting to develop an add-on for me.


In a nutshell, my needs are as follows: Should you need more info I have all the detail and can provide used cases to make it easier to understand too:


I have Touch screen kiosks running on Ubuntu 11.04 Linux to serve hotel guests with information from local businesses and service providers, like restaurants, taxi, florists or jeweler or activities to etc. The kiosks have No keyboard or mouse attached for production use.

Hyperlinks of typical kiosks so you can visualize what I need.


1.       I need a browser to show ONLY the HTML page on the screen; Nothing else no menu's, title bars, status bars or scroll bars should show.  



2.       I must be able to specify the home screen, it must always start FULL screen and keep running FULL SCREEN; typical F11 must be disabled, the usual alt+F4 must be disabled and replaced by another set of keystrokes say: SHIFT+Ctrl+F10.



3.       If possible: it must have a "screen saver" functionality, that will start after X number of seconds (I want to be able to change the X at a later stage if I have to; also from the options page ideally in SSH)
The Screen saver must then display the files in a specific folder; also to be specified in the options as well as how long a each page should show.
It must be able to display: JPG, HTML, SWF, MPEG and PNG files ( I might have to add some at a later stage)

4.       The mouse pointers must be disable altogether.


5.       The pages must have an auto-refresh / auto reload functionality that will do the reload every say 10 seconds



General info:

·         The browser never breaks out of the local folder containing the HTML set. It ONLY sends emails from the back end as well as usage updates.

·         The html pages gets designed for a SPECIFIC screen with SPECIFIC dimensions and pixels, so nothing  can “fall off” from the screen.

·         The website will also include flash displays

·         The “screensaver” folder will include jpg, html without and with swf (flash), it may have a .mpeg or .mov clip

·         I will have full SSH connection to the kiosk via network to perform command line tasks and edit configuration files.


So my request to you as developers is:


Is it possible for Epiphany to do all this.

How is it done: add-on, configuration or extra development?

Is any one interested in doing this for me?

How much will the developer charge me to do this?


Your response will be appreciated very much


Kind Regards


Frits Erasmus

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