Re: Weekend experiment: change your Epiphany usage patterns

Hi Brandon,

On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:25:42 +0200, Brandon Invergo wrote:

Anyway, I was thinking about the browser interface and how Epiphany
could be made even more tightly integrated with Gnome Shell. For
example, in one of the documents somewhere on the Ephy wiki, they
mention how tabs are bad because they're hidden from the window manager.
I had an epiphany (heh) was that tabs were developed because of a
problem that arose under the taskbar paradigm: if you had a bunch of
browser windows open, they would consume the taskbar and became
uninformative nuisances. Now, I think Gnome Shell rids us of that
problem quite nicely, and yet in our browser we're recapitulating the
old annoyance all over again. Start browsing for a while and you end up
with a ton of tabs open, which aren't visible in Epiphany or are
squeezed so small in Firefox that they're completely uninformative as to
their contents.

I agree with you and I'd love to see this happen. Xan did a demo during the desktop summit showing off chrome-less epiphany running web apps as first class citizens on Gnome Shell. That's along the same lines as you are thinking.

However, witness bug 656091, there are also contributors who want *more* tab exposure instead of less.

I guess it comes down to the question what we want Epiphany to be. A "classic" web browser competing with Firefox and Chrome on the Gnome desktop? A low-profile web technology provider for other Gnome applications? Something in between? I think it's impossible to be everything to everyone - that never was the philosophy behind Epiphany anyway.

Reinout van Schouwen

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