Chronological bookmarks


I wondered if any thought had been given among web browser developers
and designers to ordering bookmarks chronologically (by the date the
user created the bookmark), instead of by subject or tagging?

I think Epiphany's bookmark tagging is an improvement over Firefox's
hierarchical sorting, but I still find that my list of bookmarks is
usually a mess, and that aside from a handful on the toolbar, I don't
really use bookmarks.

Instead, I'm in the habit of using a private blog as a 'link-log', I
just use normal blog software and when I come across interesting pages
that I want to keep for later, I post the URL as a blog post. Blogs
support categories/tagging, but I don't make much use of this. The
simple, chronological ordering of posts along with one-line
descriptions seems to be the most useful organisation method, for me
at least.

This is different to browser history, because it only contains those
pages that were interesting enough that I wanted to 'bookmark' them.

Any comments?

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