ask for program to download link


I firstly want to thank you all for creating such a fantastic browser,
which allways acts as you want it acts, which is in many case very
Some things I really like about epiphany, which should never go away.
No, I'm not talking about tabbed browsing or other stuff that a browser
should have anyway:
- the startup dialog when crashed previous session (even though
epiphany doesn't crash a lot, but you never know :))
- the menu that appears when to fill in forms automaticaly, which makes
me able to choose between usernames (without having to click in fields
of the form to get a list of username/passwords.)
- the simple menu when right clicking
- All the menus speak for themselves: not overfeatured, more features
with plugins.
- the overall intuitive simplicity, which it probably adopts from the
gnome project.

Just only one thing (and it's really the only one, in my opinion): 
Imagine, you want to open an mp3 file with another program than totem
music player (like xmms). 

Epiphany currently only has the option to open it with the standard
program. So, the download dialog should have one more scroll down menu:
choose a program assosiated with the file, and on the bottom of the drop
down menu an option similar to `open with other ...', which should open
a window similar to the 'open with'-tab from the properties window of a
file (see also P.S.). 

Just remember, it is only a suggestion as a poor computer user. You guys
probably have to take more into count to get usablilty. Hopely my
suggestion helps or at least gives new ideas to make epiphany even
better, even though it's lonely at the top :).

Gr Hendrik.


Another suggestion for nautilus, not for epiphany, but it's related to
the suggestion above (see "window similar to `open with-tab'"). I will
send this also as a bug for nautilus: 

Currently there are two 'open with' windows in nautilus, which is
confusing: you can get the first one from right mouse click menu (with
the mouse pointer on a file' which gives a list of all the common
programs on the system and an `open' button. The other is located in one
of the tabs of `file properties'-window. I think the second should be
replaced by the first (I also think the `open with'-tab should be
removed from there, because It's not a property of a file, but of a
`file type'): It should replace the `open with other program' option in
the right click menu. 
This new `open with' dialog (which I dream of) should add an
`open'-button. The bullet selects the default application (that defines
the action when double clicking on a file), and the selected entry
should be the program to open the file with when pressing on `open').
The `close'-button should be replaced by a `cancel'-button (in case the
computer user changes his mind to open the file). This `open with'
dialog could also be used in epiphany.

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