Bookmarks and searches

Hi Peter;

I like your ideas.
I originally wrote to the mailing list, at night, on the fly as it were.
I have now given my request/suggestion some further thought.

On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 11:37 -0500, epiphany-list-request gnome org
>         On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 01:57 -0500, William Case wrote:
>         > Then, give me two Epiphany configurations.  My point was, I
>         like and
>         > want something that is quick, clean and efficient when I am
>         "working".
>         This might not be a bad idea. We already have "Fullscreen" and
>         "Normal"
>         configurations. Why not allow the user to add more?
>         Would require changing Fullscreen to a radio menuitem
>         (Fullscreen and
>         Normal) and adding an extension that adds more configurations.
>         We would
>         use different EggToolbarModels for each configuration and just
>         switch
>         between them.
>         Thoughts?

To distinguish between the two browser uses, let me just call one the
'Play' browser and the other the 'Work' browser.  I think I can say when
someone is playing, pausing for a tenth of a second to half a minute to
click another icon or launcher is not onerous. And, while Playing around
I would probably like as many features as one can get.

On the other hand, when working, the juices are flowing, the ideas are
popping; one's concentration is focused on the job at hand.  Extra
delays in getting data from the web or URI's, or thought flows
interrupted, by having to choose 3 or 4 different buttons or table items
(clicks), is annoying at best.

The question is how to have the best of both worlds.

My suggestions are the following:
1) Reduce Epiphany to an extremely efficient but basic search engine.
For example, at one point I downloaded 'dillo' to try it. It had
problems, but, man, it was fast.
2) Put every or almost every feature into a plugin.  I know that is
already happening, but allow me to build all the features in as I see
fit so that I can have a feature rich 'Play' Epiphany and/or a stripped
down faaaast 'Work' Epiphany.
3) Allow me to name each version so that I can have an EpiphanyPlay
launcher (and/or accelerator key) and an EpiphanyWork launcher.  In my
case, I would launch EpiphanyWork from my Bookmark launcher.  Maybe I
can have a third (and fourth). E.g. EpiphanyManuals that I can attach to
my internal HTML manuals for reading.  I might want to set up different
fonts etc. The possible features are almost endless.
4) None of these created Epiphanies needs to take precedence.
5) Some of the possible work features I would like to see are:
      * An ability to select a word or phrase in any text document, and
        by using an accelerator key Epiphany would do a definition
        lookup; another key would do a site search etc.
      * Perhaps the definition lookup could be refined to only look up
        computer terms, or Linux terminology or just plain language.
      * I could open several internal (URI) manuals under tabs at one
        time, so that I could cross reference.
      * Rate the time cost for each added feature.  We are in Linux.  We
        are not trying to commercially market a new feature laden
        product by hiding performance costs.  Performance cost/benefits
        should be part of a user's configuration strategy.

Those are some of the thoughts that I had. By being able to have several
basic Epiphany frameworks, I can work and play exactly as I want without
imposing some concept of average or normal on other users.

Just a secondary thought.  Surely it's easy enough to build a plugin
stub or whatever, so that plugins load and unload as smoothly as modules
load and unload in the kernel.

Regards Bill

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