Re: Python extension manipulating bookmarks

On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 12:17:20PM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
>>EphyNode is undocumented, so you'll probably want to have
>>epiphany/lib/ephy-node.h open to get a vague idea of what functions you
>>need. In essence, once you've got an EphyNode representing the bookmark
>>you want to delete, you should be able to call
>Now that you mention it it does sound like a logical solution. The only
>reason I might have been thrown off before was the lack of a
>`remove_bookmark()` function (while `remove_keyword()` is there, why the
>>I'm not 100% sure of this. I've never used EphyNode from Python, and
>>more critically, I've never really understood EphyNode all that well
>>even in C (which is why it's undocumented :P). Let us know if it works
>>out or if you need more help.
>I'm having some problems with Epiphany dying on me when removing a
>bookmark. Since I don't have an Epiphany with debugging symbols I
>suspect bug-buddy won't be very useful. I'll try to put together a
>minimal app that shows the same behaviour later on today... stay tuned

My Epiphany dies after executing the following code:

    import epiphany
    bms = epiphany.ephy_shell_get_default().get_bookmarks()
    bmnode = bms.find_bookmark('')

It doesn't happen *all* the time. E.g. it seems that removing a bookmark
that has no keywords works just fine, so my next problem is how do I
(easily) find a bookmark's all keywords?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org

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eware of bugs in the above program. I proved it correct, I did not
try it.
     -- D. E. Knuth

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