Re: Extension that adds a tab on the preferences dialogue?

On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 08:43 +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
> What I need the user to enter:
>  Username
>  Password
>  A keyword
> It'd be cool to be able to put the password in the built-in password
> manager, but I've decided to leave that for later (unless someone can
> offer some pointers :-)

Here's another fun session with the Python Console (I love this thing!)

>>> import epiphany
>>> shell = epiphany.ephy_shell_get_default() # an EphyShell
>>> es = shell.get_embed_single() # an EphyEmbedSingle
>>> db = es.list_passwords() # a list of EphyPasswordInfo's
>>> matches = filter(lambda p: == '', db)
>>> matches
[<EphyPasswordInfo at 0x87dce78>]
>>> dir(matches[0])
['__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__',
'__gtype__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'copy', 'free',
'host', 'password', 'username']
>>> matches[0].host
>>> matches[0].username
>>> matches[0].password

Unfortunately, that password comes back as None (Python's version of
NULL). I don't know why, maybe another developer can enlighten me?

It seems there's no place to store a keyword, either. Perhaps the
password and keyword could both be stored in the password field,
separated by an unlikely (or illegal) password character? This would be
dependent upon solving the password-comes-back-empty problem....

> On a related note. Should I use GConf to store my extensions settings
> (state)? Where do I put them? Is there a rule on this? I'm considering
> /apps/epiphany/extensions/<my extension>/. Any thoughts on this?

GConf isn't always the right solution, but it has some nice features
(change notifications being one of them). I for one am a big fan of
using GConf. If you do decide to use it, you've chosen the proper path
for your settings.

Adam Hooper <adamh densi com>

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