Re: Epiphany 1.3.2

On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 15:35, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Christian Persch wrote:
> >         * Append new tabs to the end instead of grouping them (Marco)
> Nooo! Why was this necessary? Adding a new tab next to the currently
> opened one is one of the nice icing-on-the-cake features that makes ephy
> such a joy to use!

Well, it's a tradeoff. I think appending at the end is the intuitive
behavior (I actually did a mini test on this and everyone I asked was
expecting to have the tab added at the end). Personally the few times I
used tabs I was a bit confused by the the grouping behavior, even if I'm
sure when you get used it feel sort of natural ...
What we are losing in the tradeoff is the ability to create subgroups of
tabs, but is that such a common use case ? You can already create
multiple groups of tabs using windows...


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