Re: Adding Epiphany Extension

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arief# wrote:
| But, I like to see one extension available on epiphany, that is,
| Stumble-Upon. That will make me sweeps mozilla entirely off my box (well
| ofcourse not!, just feels like it ;-)

I've heard of this once before. Is it really all that great?

| Is there anybody planning to implement this extension?

I strongly doubt it.

| If not, can anyone give me hints, pointers, whatever, to start coding on
| one? I'm a lousy and lazy programmer, so a clear hints is a very much
| appreciated.

I wrote a mostly-up-to-date guide at
and you can look to the sample extensions in the epiphany-extensions CVS
module (GNOME CVS) for additional help. Not to mention, the
already-working extensions.

To implement it, you'd have to create several toolbar buttons. They'd
correspond to GtkActions like in the Epiphany source code (check the
source code for the location bar and the back/forward buttons).

But don't get too excited: it's impossible to manipulate the toolbar
from within an extension right now. This will change in the future. In
the meantime, I think the extension would be very hard to create :).

Oh, and you'd obviously need the stumbleupon source code:

- --
Adam Hooper
adamh densi com
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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