Re: Typeahead Find Problem

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

I've been playing around with a userHTMLbindings.xml file and I've added
Vi-like movement commands, such as

	<handler event="keypress" key="h" command="cmd_scrollLeft"/>

Now, the problem is I can't type 'h' any more in a typeahead find query.
Is this a problem with epiphany, or with the embedding, i.e., a Mozilla
problem: where do I file a bug?

I don't think that's a bug at all. When you're browsing a page and you press 'h', do you want it to:

- scroll to and focus on a link which contains the letter "h"?
- scroll left?

These two actions are mutually exclusive.

If you mean something more specific, then it's a Mozilla problem (confirm by trying it in Firefox).

Adam Hooper
adamh densi com

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