Re: [Epiphany] More Topic/Keyword/Folder madness! Oh, no!

On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 08:46, iain wrote:

> Where I think the keywords could go is not the user physically entering
> keywords when they create a bookmark, but rather when "Add Bookmark" is
> clicked, the browser automatically indexes the page, the same way a
> search engine spider does it. Then generating the keywords itself, and
> when you type the keyword into the location bar, it performs the same
> duty a search engine does on your bookmarks and gives you the best
> ranked ones.

Sounds good to me - if keywords were auto-tagged into the bookmark
entry, we could still do folders, and get keywords and its associated
benefits "for free" from a complexity standpoint.

> > (See my screenshot here of how long a keywords list can get in
> > only a few weeks - - note the
> > length of the scrollbar.)
> This isn't IMO the correct way for keywords to be used. By using it this
> way you have no difference over having a heirarchy of folders, but like
> you have said this is not forced on you, you created these keywords
> yourself, so if you have 100 keywords in only a few weeks, that's your
> own fault. You could have stuck with 3 keywords.

Then it would have done me no good!  I thought the point of keywords was
to use a number of them to maximize one's searchability.  Not to
mention, I see no way I could possibly use only a handful of keywords to
describe the range of topics I have covered with my bookmarks.

> So, the more keywords you assign to a bookmark, the quicker you will
> come across it when you search, using the location bar. The onus, at the
> moment, is to add all the keywords yourself, but as I outlined at the
> top, Epiphany could index the pages automatically and add all the
> keywords you could think of to this page, which I think, would rule.

Again, great idea, since I think it would allow a "hybrid" model to work
quite nicely...  

Am I fighting a lost cause here?  Have I made my comments too late - Are
folders completely out of the question at this stage?  I don't mean to
belabor it if that's what's been decided upon, since I'm not coding this
thing.  I might not agree, but I'm not meaning to whine or be a pest
about it.

 - jck

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man."

 - George Bernard Shaw

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