Re: watermark plugin

On Fri, 27 Jun 2014, Felix Riemann wrote:

Hi James

Am Dienstag, den 24.06.2014, 23:05 +0100 schrieb James Freer:
OS xubuntu 13.10 just about to upgrade to 14.04
eog version 3.8.2

I've only just noticed that there's a watermark plugin for eog. However, having
downloaded the .zip I am a little unsure how to install it as the website
instructions are a bit advanced for me.

eog doesn't seem to be in .local/share/applications or XDG_data.
Well, eog itself is most likely installed system-wide in /usr/bin and.
the plugins are usually installed in /usr/lib/eog/plugins
or /usr/lib64/eog/plugins. However, there's another possibility to
install the plugin avoiding the need to go to system-wide folders.

You can also install it just for you/your user. The Watermark plugin is
actually pretty simple to install that way.

1. Open a terminal and go to $HOME/.local/share
2. mkdir -p eog/plugins
3. Unzip the plugin into $HOME/.local/share/eog/plugins

That should be all.


Thanks so much - the latter worked fine. I've been using linux now since 2007 
and always loved eog as it was so simple. I don't like the way most other photo 
apps make some album for you.
The watermark puts another image in a certain place... so how does one enter 
words or the date which is what I'd like. Presumably one needs to make up a 
small image with words in. Is it possible to resize images?

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