Re: status bar - please support showing dynamic X & Y location of pixel under the cursor

Am Samstag, den 14.09.2013, 13:04 -0600 schrieb Doug Fortune:


Hi Doug

In the next version of "eog" could you please support showing dynamic X 
& Y location of the pixel under the cursor, in the status bar.

Showing the actual value of pixel would be great too, if not too much 
trouble.  That cross-check would ensure the cursor is positioned at the 
correct X & Y location.

There are two (admittedly rather old) bug reports requesting these two
features. The second one pretty much being dependent on the first one.

The main problem with these is that the image viewing widget doesn't
have a way to get image coordinates from pointer coordinates. Though
one might be able to build something from the mouse-wheel-zoom code.
It's relatively low on my agenda though as there are other parts in eog
that are in serious need of maintenance.


BONUS POINTS  (and virtual beerz) awarded if you can hit a key (F1 is 
easy) to append the above data to a text file ("eog.txt" comes to 
mind).  Perhaps if the SHIFT key is activated, upon hitting the F1 key 
the appending is continuous (upon any change of X and/or Y), until the 
F1 key is hit again to toggle continuous mode OFF.

The purpose is digitizing single points, or continuous curves. Quick and 
easy, like the rest of eog !

Well, if the general coordinate mapping parts mentioned above are
implemented (and part of the public API) this should be doable as a



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